Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy77 Talks Toys!

Happy77 has made another post on the Club Penguin Blog. This time, she is talking about toys and learns more about them from a Club Penguin Team member. Here is what she has to say:

"Greetings Penguins!

A few weeks ago, when the team showed the new orange puffle toy, lots of you wrote how stoked you were. (FYI - I think the orange puffle's HILAROUS and I'm pretty sure he has a sweet tooth like me.)

Well, the buzz on the island this week is about Rockhopper and there's been some talk around here about a new Rockhopper stuffed toy! I wanted to know more so I asked someone on the team who helps with toys.
Q: The orange puffle seems pretty loved. But what else is new?
A: The newest toys are some 9" stuffed toy penguins - there are a few different ones - including Rockhopper!

Q: Where can we get them?
A: They'll be in Disneyland Resort in California and at Walt Disney World, Florida really soon - and the team's working hard to get them in more places, too - like in Disney Stores and at the CP Online Shop. Keep checking those places. Also, each one comes with a code to unlock items online. And we've updated the Treasure Book!

Q: What should we do if we have toy ideas?
A: Give us all your feedback. Tell us what you like, what you don't like, and what you'd like to see in the future!"

So it looks like the Penguin Plush toys will be going from 6" to 9". It also seems that whatever we think of the toys, Club Penguin might make them!

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