Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Reviewed By You!

The new Reviewed By You is here! As you should already know, you can now vote at the Plaza for your favorite play to come back to the Stage in the annual Penguin Play Awards! Last week Club Penguin asked how we are celebrating the event with your buddies and Yoshi96 said:

Me and my friends are throwing our very OWN Penguin Play Awards right in my igloo! I've got the stage, some snacks, a backstage, the velvet ropes, and the red carpets all set up. We're celebrating before the Awards so that we know what to choose during the Awards. By the time that the Penguin Play Awards start, we'll already have our Plays chosen! ;)This week Club Penguin would like to know - what's the best party you've created?

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. Click here to leave a comment. Club Penguin will post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, Club Penguin will add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so they can add coins!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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