Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Screenhog on Night Club Secrets

Screenhog has made a post on some Night Club secrets that you guys probably already know. Anyways, here is what Screenhog had to say:

"You know, the Night Club is one of those places where there's often a lot happening. And recently there have been some upgrades that make it even more interesting. You might have noticed that when there's more than 10 of you in the room, the lights change. But did you know that if the majority of you (at least 10) are the same penguin color then even more cool things start to happen?So the next time you're there, try to get penguins in the Night Club to all turn the same penguin color. Also, if you and your friends have time, see if you can find out what's going on with that missing puffle."

In Other News: Remember a while back when we had to vote for what ice sculpture would go in the Carnaval de Quebec? Well, the Rocker penguin won and here is a picture of the guy sculpting it:
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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