Monday, March 15, 2010

Puffle Rescue Is Here!

Club Penguin's newest game is here! You can find Puffle Rescue in the Mine. Here is how you play the newest game. Once you go to the mine, click on the bulletin board which is left to the Underground Mine entrance. The new game has three game choices: Rescue Blue Puffles, Rescue Pink Puffles (Members Only) & Rescue Black Puffles (Members Only).In Other News: The Underground Caves are open! If you try and go to the underwater room, this message will appear:What this mean is that members can play the black puffle game and follow the squid. Then, jump on the bubbles until your in the underwater room. There you will find the Moss Key Pin. You now have access to the underwater room.In Other Other News: With your construction helmet, you can dig for coins in the dirt pile in the underground cave.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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