Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy77 Talks To A Monster Artist

This friday, Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal will be at the Stage and there's a NEW MONSTER on the set! Here is what Happy77 asked to a monster artist:

Q: So is it true? Will there be a monster who helps Squidzoid try to destroy the city at the Stage?
A: It's true. He just might be our biggest monster ever! I'm sure Squidzoid can control him though. 80% sure.

Q: Why did you decide Squidzoid needed help?
A: Well I don't want to say he needed the help, but the last few monsters didn't exactly do much to help out. It seems only fair that Squidzoid has a partner since there's a Shadow Guy and a Gamma Gal.

Q: You mean we'll be able to do MORE than just look at this monster?
A: Um...Oh would you look at that. I'm late for my pumpkin-carving lesson!

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