Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Infomation On Halloween Igloo Contest

If you can't read the picture, this is what it says:

Halloween Igloo Decorating Contest Oct. 16-25

How to Enter:
  1. Decorate your igloo to a Halloween Theme
  2. Look for the special new 'Submit Igloo' button, in your igloo. This button will only be around the 16-25.
  3. When your done working on your igloo click the special golden igloo.
  4. Don't change your igloo once you have submitted it.

20 Grand Prize Winners Will Receive: 50,000 coins, Igloo in Club Penguin Times, Special Postcard From Judges

20 Runner Ups Will Receive: 25,000 coins, Penguin Name in Club Penguin Times, Special Postcard From Judges.

Good Luck!

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