Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Club Penguin Halloween Party: Candy Hunt

Here are the places that the pieces of candy are hidden:
  • The first candy is in the Lodge Attic. Click on the pumpkin between the 2 couches to get the candy
  • The second candy is at the Dock. Click on the pumpkin, then click on the candy corn.
  • The third candy is at the Pet Shop. Click on the candles, then click on the lollipop.
  • The fourth candy is at the Cove. Click on the purple candy in the ghosts book.
  • The fifth candy is at the Pool. Click on the pumpkin above the windows.
  • The sixth candy is at the Soccer Pitch. Click on the candy cube inside the lights.
  • The seventh candy is at the Forrest. Click on the brushy bush, then click on the candy apple.
  • The eighth and final candy is at the Mine. Click on the area of green slime, then click on the green candy.


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