Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy77 Talks Volcano

So...there's a whole bunch of buzz about the smoke that's been spotted and Happy77 interviewd some guy who works on the Club Penguin Map. Here is what they have to say:

Q: Is this smoke we're seeing coming from a volcano? Or is it a mountain?
A: At first I thought it might be the Tallest Mountain, but it can't be. After all, there are taller mountains surrounding the one that's smoking. And when you think about it, it must be a volcano! Most of the mountains on Club Penguin have snow on the top of them, but that mountain has never had any snow on it.

Q: Does this have anything to do with the ninja stuff that's happening?
A: Well I can't give away all our secrets, but I've noticed that the ninjas in Club Penguin have been very active lately!

Q: Um...Haven't you noticed that there's no TREAT shop on the map?
A: I suppose there are no treat shops, but if you ever need to satisfy your sweet tooth go to the kitchen at the Pizza Parlor and turn the big red lever on the Pizzatron 3000!

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