Sunday, September 13, 2009

Club Penguin Sneak Peek.....Samurais?

This is a pretty weird sketch that has a whole bunch of stuff that I think will be additions to rooms and new rooms. First off, in the upper left hand corner, you can see a penguin that looks like a samurai.

My idea is that once you become a ninja, you can train your penguin to become a samurai. The Club Penguin Team is probably doing this because most people stop playing card jitsu when they become a ninja.

Now if look in the background you can see the tallest mountain. I think that will become the new room and will be where you can become a samurai. Now right in the middle you can see a flame. Maybe you can make you black puffle a ninja?!

The rest of the stuff you see in the picture I think will just be part of the new room.

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