Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tallest Mountain....Members Only Room?!

Ok I know that sounds pretty unfair but I got a story that will support this. Here is the story: Other club penguin blogs like Chrisdog93 & Saraapril found this at the right time and I am giving them credit for this information. Anyways, club penguin was testing out this new ninja catalog with a new item in it... an amulette. Club Penguin removed the item after about a half hour. On the side where Sensei always says something here is what it said next to the amulette:

“Admire this amulettte. Symbol of power and experience, it is the key to mastering the elements. Open the secret doors hidden in this piece and pursue your journey. Dojo awaits the next.

- Sensei”

So what does that mean, when a member ninja buys this amulette, it will unlock a secret room. Which makes this "secret room" the tallest mountain. How do I know its the tallest mounatian is because Sensei said so. My bet is this catalog will come out monday (day after scavenger hunt) or on friday when everything else comes out. Will this mean the new room will be off limits for non-members? Stay tuned to find out.

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