Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy77 Asks a Party Planner

On Monday, Billybob showed us a sneak peek of the upcoming Puffle Party that will happen later in the month. Happy77 asked a party planner on what to expect.
Happy77: Do we need to be puffle owners to be part of this party?
Party Planner:You don't have to own a puffle, but hopefully you enjoy being around them! Of course, we do encourage puffle owners to bring their puffles to the party... there may be activities for the little creatures...
Happy77: Is there anything we should do to prepare for this event?
Party Planner: Practice your snowball tossing skills! Also, if you own a puffle, make sure to take good care of it.
Happy77: Can we expect any surprises?
Party Planner: Every time we plan a party we try to add a few new things and this party's no exception. But if we told you more than that, it wouldn't be a surprise...
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