Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rockhopper Coming Soon & Reviewed By You

The new Snow & Sports catalog comes out on Thursday! Club Penguin asked what sports you and your friends like playing most around the island and Wurmpul said:
I play sports with all my buddies we do soccer,ice hockey,football, and sometimes basketball mostly our teams our red and blue but sometimes we go crazy using green and black. When we get tired we go to my igloo for some penguinade then jump right back up for some more.Congradulations Wurmpul, 10,000 coins have been added to your account.
In Other News: Rockhopper has been spotted in the telescope and it looks like he'll be arriving in Club Penguin next week!! So for this week's Reviewed By You, Club Penguin would like to know - what are your favorite things to do when he's around? Do you like buying stuff from Rockhopper's Rare Items, playing Treasure Hunt, or something else?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment on Billybob's Blog. He'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, Club Penguin will add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so they can add coins! Click here to leave a comment.
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