Monday, February 1, 2010

Club Penguin February Sneak Peeks!

February's here! That means a new month of celebrations and surprises. The team has some big plans for this month, so here's a few sneak peeks.First off, if you look at the picture of the pink puffle on the left, that's a sneak peek for this years Puffle Party! This is one of the funniest parties of the year! If you weren't playing Club Penguin at the time or forgot what the party was like watch the video at the bottom of this post.

If you look at the picture on the upper right hand corner, you can see a sneak peek of some new puffle furniture. What do you think that could be? Puffle Washing Machine?! Anyways, the catalog comes out February 12.
Lastly, in the bottom right hand corner, you have a sneak peek of the brand new play coming later this month at the Stage. Doesn't really tell us that much and is that a squirrel tail?
Puffle Party Video: (Credit to UbfunkeysChatZ)
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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