Sunday, August 30, 2009

Series 4 Plush Toys!

I just found a sneek peek for what some of the series 4 plushes will be like. Thanks to Monchocho for the picture.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Black Puffles To Play Card Jitsu PROOF

I am 99.9% sure that the black puffle will be playing Card Jitsu. Here is some more proof:

If you want to read the hidden newspaper article about the black puffle click here.

In Other News: Club Penguin has a new offical team....The Green Team! Eh its kinda wierd but I still think Blue & Red will be rivals.

Friday, August 28, 2009

New Snow & Sports Catalog

Since there are no cheats in this Snow and Sports Catalog you can check out the video at the bottom of the page.

New Club Penguin Pin... Koi Fish Pin

Here is how to find the newest club penguin pin:

  • Click on the map
  • Go to the Cove
  • Go to the fish by the steps to the forest

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Upcoming Events on Club Penguin

Wow Club Penguin is going to be extreamly busy in the coming weeks. Here is what is going on:

Tomarrow: Snow & Sports Catalog & New Pin

September 4: New Clothing Catalog , Fall Fair, & Rockhopper

If you want to see what the fall fair is like watch one of these videos:



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy77 Talks Snow & Sports Catalog

This friday their will be a brand new Snow & Sports Catalog! Happy77 wanted to learn a bit more about this catalog so she asked someone who works on it:
Happy77: How often do you make a new Snow & Sport catalog?
Snow & Sports Person: Four times a year. We started to put the months on the front of the catalog so you'll see when the next issue is coming!
Happy77: If there was a candy-eating sport, would any of you make the finals? What sort of outfit would you make for that?
Snow & Sports Person: We'd eat our weight in candy and more! In fact, here's a sketch we just created that we think would be awesome to wear if there were a candy eating sport (We know there's no candy eating sport. This outfit is not in the catalog - it's just for fun!).

In Other News: Be my 110th Youtube Subscriber to win a UNUSED COIN CODE!

Upcoming Party

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Free Club Penguin Coin Code

Its about time I had a giveaway and I'm going to start off with a coin code! You can watch the video at the very bottom of the site to learn more. Also if you subscribe to me I will be giving away a coin code to one of my YoutTube subscribers!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Snow & Sports Catalog Sneak Peek

A new Snow and Sport catalog comes out on Friday - It's full of new gear like football stuff and cool cheerleader wigs.I finally think there will finally be a new Club Penguin Team.....Green Team. My main reason is that a whole bunch of jerseys and other stuff have been green. Just a thought.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Black Puffles To Play Card Jitsu

This is straight from Hidden in the newspaper was this article that was scattered around since CP probably had no room. Thanks to Stardude0419 for finding this because CP had removed it from the newspaper and will most likely go in next weeks issue of the Club Penguin Times. Anyways this is what it said:

Recently, we were informed about an increase of black puffle apperences around the island. The mysterious puffles have remained silent, but there have been reports that some may be acting differently around ninjas.

"Yesterday I was on my way to the Dojo to train and saw one there. Then it flared up out of nowhere!" one ninja explained. We spoke with another ninja wearing a ninja mask and balck belt.

"Not Sure. I've been to busy. But I heard something about the cove..." We asked Sensei what he thought about these mysterious events, but he seemed distracted. Keeping his eyes on the horizon, he murmured, "This information is curious, grasshopper. Ninja must be like great telescope. Always watching ahead for signs." What do you think Sensei means? Stay tuned to the Club Penguin Times for more info.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog

To view the video go to the bottom of the site. Here are the cheats for this month's furniture catalog:

To find the Bowling Pin click on the top of the Oven.

To find the Bowling Alley click the top left of the Window.

To find the Fridge click on the buttons of the Stove.

To find the Band Stage click the Gramophone.

To find the Wall Speaker click the DJ Table.

To find the Guitar Stand click on the Stone Column.

To find the LCD TV click the flame of the torch.

To find the Penguin Knight Sculpture click the Medival Banner.

Underwater Adventure

Finally a brand new play at the stage! But it has good news bad news.

Good: New Play, Most costumes are new

Bad: No Cheats

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy77 Talks New Play

This friday there will be a brand new play at the stage. Happy77 interviewed some artist who worked on it. Here is what they had to say:

Happy77: What inspired you about doing the costumes?
Artist: For one of them, a delicious meal I once had was the inspiration... tasty...

Happy77: Tell us something cool about the set!
Artist: There's an entire sea castle to climb in! And a secret shadowy sea creature in the distance.

Happy77: For this play, are there treats underwater?
Artist: Well, chocolate bars tend to get a little soggy, and cotton candy is a mess...we could have tried sea salt taffy - but I'm pretty sure we didn't.

Unidefined Buddy List Cheat

Here’s how to do the undefined Club Penguin buddy cheat:
1. Clear your buddy list so that there are a few open spots. Try to have around five.
2. Gather a bunch of penguins who are willing to be your buddy on Club Penguin. Ask them to request to be on your buddy list.
3. Accept everyone’s friend request by clicking the envelope in the top left.
4. Open up your buddy list.
If everything worked out, you will have a list of undefined buddies! The bad thing is, this glitch will expire when you log out and the undefined will change to the penguin’s user name.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Party Extended

Since the Festival of Flight party started, lots of you have been asking for it to stay past the 18th. So guess what? Don't pack up your jetpacks and propeller caps just yet because we're going to keep Club Penguin in the air for longer than planned!The Festival of Flight will stay up until August 20 - just in time for the Underwater Adventure to start on August 21 at the Stage!! We hope you're using your aviator glasses - soon you may be trading them in for lobster claws...

In Other News: If you look on my sidebar right next to this post you can see all the party clues for Chrisdog93 & Mimo777! When Mimo releases his next clue I will update my sidebar.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Festival of Flight

Well the Festival of flight is finally here! This is a brand new party to Club Penguin which makes this party even more cool! This party is so new that there are actually NEW FREE ITEMS!!! You can also find Gary who is going to be at the tallest mountain! *Members Only*


Lets start off with the green propeller cap.

  • Click on the map
  • Go to the Plaza
  • Get the hat

Now lets go with another new free item. The Jet Pack. *Note* This is for members only.

  • Click on the map
  • Go to the Forest
  • Go on the Hot Air Balloon
  • When balloon lands on tallest mountain get off
  • Get the Jet Pack

Sand Castle Pin

Here is how to find the newest pin....The Sand Castle Pin!
  • First go to the Mine
  • Next go into the cave
  • Head on over to the pin
And you have now found The Sand Castle pin!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Festival of Flight Sneak Peek

Penguins may not be able to fly, but that doesn't mean that Club Penguin can't! In a few days, for the first time ever, Club Penguin will be an island in the sky.
When we first thought of the idea of putting Club Penguin in the sky, we loved it, but then we started asking ourselves some questions. What happens to the Beach or the coastline of the Cove? Can penguins still play Hydro-Hopper? And what does a device powerful enough to lift an entire island even look like, and where would we put it?
For the full answer you'll have to wait until the party, but I can show you this behind-the-scenes concept art from when we were trying to answer all these questions ourselves

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Club Penguin Flags

Okay members you can now get 2 new flags for your player card! The two new countries are Chile & Colombia. Here is a picture of them in the clothing catalog: Here is what Colombia look like on a player card: Here is what Chile looks like on a player card:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Series 4 Treasure Book

The new treasure book is finally out! It sadly has no cheats in it but there are some pretty cool items in it. To watch the video click here. If you want to get one of the new toys you can get them at your local Toys R Us, Disney Stores, Disney Theme Parks, Farmers, And The Club Penguin Shop.

Monday, August 10, 2009

You Decide Winner and Lighthouse Music & Underwater Adventure

A few days ago Club Penguin had another You Decide and it was for a furniture item in the upcoming furniture catalog. The choices were between a Dinosaur Satute, Green Puffle Beanbag Chair, & Globe on a Pedestal. And the winner is........Green Puffle Beanbag Chair! It won by a landslide. (75%) In Other News: The underwater adventure is not going to be a super long party it will be a brand new play at the stage. Also if you head on over to the lighthouse you can play your instruments at the stage. *Note* That feature is only for members.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Club Penguin Clothing Catalog August 2009

Here are the cheats for the August Clothing Catalog:
First off, Aqua.....EPIC FAIL! Its looks exactly the same as light blue. At least Lavender or Maroon would better and different. Nobody is happy on who won. Even people who voted for aqua don't like the color. Anyway.....

To find the viking helemets click on the piano. Then to get the blue viking helmet keep clicking the same spot 4 times.
To find the crystal staff click the word penguin.
To find the canteen click the seashell.To find the woodsmen hat click the window.
To find the blue dragon costume click the dragon shadow.
In Other News: Club Penguin is getting ready for the festival of flight! Check out most of the rooms around the island to see what the party will be like. This party will rock.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Ok, the votes have been counted and the underdog of them all won....AQUA. Yes, aqua had sadly won. I voted for maroon and lavender because we don't need another blue. Anyway if you want this ugly color go to the gift shop and waste 20 coins to buy it. Here is what aqua looks like on a penguin: In Other News: Last week, Gary told us we wanted to fix up the underground pool. Now he has a wacky idea of lifting Club Penguin Island up with all these jetpacks and funky ballons and put the island in the clouds. Now the base for all this stuff is going to be on the tallest mountain. So if you ask me the tallest mountain will be the new room.

In Other Other News: Starting towrads the end of the month there will be a return of the underwater party! If you don't remember the party or you wern't playing club penguin click here to watch a video of it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Decide: Furniture

Club Penguin just released a New “You Decide” for Septembers Better Igloo Catalog. We get to choose from 3 items – The one with the most votes, Will be in Septembers Better Igloo Catalog! Check out our choices:To vote for your favorite item click here. The winner of this you decide will be in the September-October Furniture Catalog.

In other news : Remember the Shirts we got to vote for, and the Paint Splatter won? Well, It will be showing up in Fridays Penguin Style Catalog for us all to buy! Also, tomarrow we get to find out what the next penguin color will be!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Party Sneak Peek

There's a brand new party coming in a couple of weeks!! It's like nothing you've ever seen in Club Penguin. And I mean it...Nothing. The picture looks like it is for a pirate party but club penguin has had those kind of parties before. It wouldn't be a water party because its going to be a brand new party. So if its not a water party, what the heck is G doing replacing the windows underground. Anyways here is the sneak peek for the mystery party:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Collectors Edition

I have just found out that on September 28, 2009, you can buy Club Penguin EPF Collectors Edition. This is only for the US & Canada. Besides getting the game, you get DS Skin, EPF Stylus, and a code that unlocks 2500 coins to your account. Here is what the stuff looks like:
I give credit for the picture.

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