Thursday, August 6, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Ok, the votes have been counted and the underdog of them all won....AQUA. Yes, aqua had sadly won. I voted for maroon and lavender because we don't need another blue. Anyway if you want this ugly color go to the gift shop and waste 20 coins to buy it. Here is what aqua looks like on a penguin: In Other News: Last week, Gary told us we wanted to fix up the underground pool. Now he has a wacky idea of lifting Club Penguin Island up with all these jetpacks and funky ballons and put the island in the clouds. Now the base for all this stuff is going to be on the tallest mountain. So if you ask me the tallest mountain will be the new room.

In Other Other News: Starting towrads the end of the month there will be a return of the underwater party! If you don't remember the party or you wern't playing club penguin click here to watch a video of it.

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