Saturday, August 22, 2009

Black Puffles To Play Card Jitsu

This is straight from Hidden in the newspaper was this article that was scattered around since CP probably had no room. Thanks to Stardude0419 for finding this because CP had removed it from the newspaper and will most likely go in next weeks issue of the Club Penguin Times. Anyways this is what it said:

Recently, we were informed about an increase of black puffle apperences around the island. The mysterious puffles have remained silent, but there have been reports that some may be acting differently around ninjas.

"Yesterday I was on my way to the Dojo to train and saw one there. Then it flared up out of nowhere!" one ninja explained. We spoke with another ninja wearing a ninja mask and balck belt.

"Not Sure. I've been to busy. But I heard something about the cove..." We asked Sensei what he thought about these mysterious events, but he seemed distracted. Keeping his eyes on the horizon, he murmured, "This information is curious, grasshopper. Ninja must be like great telescope. Always watching ahead for signs." What do you think Sensei means? Stay tuned to the Club Penguin Times for more info.

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