Thursday, July 16, 2009

Music Jam & New Penguin Color

So from all this stuff going on in Club Penguin, the end of July is getting pretty crazy. So lets start off with Music Jam. Members can see everything by going to the Snow Forts and getting an all access pass and heading to the backstage where they can meet the Penguin Band (when on break) and Cadence and buy more instruments.

It also sounds like their will be a special catalog in the gift shop that has instruments. Here are some of the awesome things going on during Music Jam:
  • Lighthouse will have the Bubble Pop Stage
  • Dock will have the main stage which changes everyday
  • The Iceburg will have the Penguin Band preforming
  • Ski Village will have the Orca-Straw
  • The Cove will have some Easy Island Music

So thats just some of the stuff going on. Now on to something thats pretty cool. From July 24-29, you can go to the Gift Shop and vote for the next penguin color. The colors you can vote from are: Maroon, Aqua, & Lavender. Yeah, I know they arent the best colors but at least they are new.

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