Thursday, July 23, 2009

Color Vote And Penguin Tales Rules

Starting tomarrow, head on down to the Forest and vote on the next penguin color. The color choices are: Maroon, Aqua, & Lavendar. I'm voting for Maroon because thats the only color that looks good on a penguin.

Now here are the rules to this years Penguin Tales:

You can pick one of the 4 topics for your story:

  1. Hiking Vikings
  2. Wacky Wildlife in the Wilderness
  3. My Ultimate Igloo Dance Party
  4. The Day We Turned Blue...& Sunk The Iceburg!


  • 4 Winnig Stories will be added to the book room.

  • Each Winner will recieve 10101 coins and a special postcard

  • Stories can be submitted in English, Portuguese, French, & Spanish.

Remember, Entries must be original and must have something to do with Club Penguin. They'll be judged based on creativity, as well as grammer, puncuation, and spelling. Start writing, the contest ends August 5!

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