Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You Decide: T-Shirt!

Hello Penguins!
The last few times there have been "You Decide" blogs, we've had awesome responses from so many of you. Those blogs got so busy that a lot of you had to wait a long time while you were trying to leave comments! The team is working on a solution to squash some bugs in the system so you won't have to wait so long.
#1 The Moondrop

#2 The Splatter
#3 Tux-T
Since we still really wanted you to help us decide on a shirt for August's Penguin Style catalog, just for today the comments will be turned off and we've put in a poll. Currently The Splatter is winning with a huge margrin. Second is the one I voted for...Tux-T. And in last is The Moondrop. If you want to vote click here.

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