Friday, July 31, 2009

New Club Penguin Pin

Here is how to find the Toy Sailboat Pin!
  1. Go to the Town
  2. Go to the Coffee Shop
  3. Get the Pin


New Igloo Music.....Members-Only

Here are the new music tracks that members can have in their igloos:Keytar Jam: Techno
Rocksteady: Music from Cove during Music Jam
All Access Pass: Techno-ish Rock
Rocking Pizza: Main music during Music Jam
I'm tierd of all this music stuff. Bring on the new room and mission.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy77 Talks Tunes (with Screenhog)

Happy77 interviewd Screenhog on music that you hear on club penguin. To read the full article click here. Here is what Happy77 asked Screenhog:Q: We checked out the sheet music - Where can penguins find that song in Club Penguin?
A: You can hear it on the homepage when you click the Tour Guide and start the movie.

Q: The team is doing some work at the Lighthouse stage so that (just like during the Music Jam) we'll be able to hear certain instruments when we play there. What do you think?
A: I'm glad. However, I personally like seeing the songs that penguins play and sing all over Club Penguin even more.

Q: Do you play any instruments? Got any quick tips to share with other musically inclined penguins?
A: Yep, I can play a few - the alto saxophone, a few percussion instruments, but my all-time favorite is the piano. To any of you who play real instruments, keep it up! Find a song and see if you can learn how to play it, or even try and compose your own music. All of Club Penguin's music is made by someone, and maybe someday that someone could be you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Club Penguin Adds New Servers

Club Penguin must be growing even more because they had just added 5 more servers. Most of them are safechat but at least the names are cool. The servers are: Dry Ice, Snow Covered, Patagonia, Glacial, and Sasquatch. Also, some of the older servers are now safechat.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Music Jam a Hit!

It's been great to hear how much you loved the Music Jam. We saw tons of awesome bands, and you guys have been really creative all over the island with the music party stuff. A lot of you told us that you liked being able to hear your instruments at the Lighthouse stage. Since we heard from so many of you, we're going to make that a permanent thing. The team is working so that in about a week, anytime you play at the Lighthouse stage with certain instruments, you'll be able to hear them! Let us know what you think.
Even though the Music Jam is officially done, some of the party music will be available in your igloos this Friday. To get ready for the new tracks, check out the latest Better Igloos catalog (it came out just over a week ago), and then decorate with some music items to keep your own party going!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Color Vote

Head on down to the Forest to vote for the next Club Penguin Color. The colors are Maroon, Lavender, & Aqua. You have until the 29th to vote. You can even send postcards to your buddies to help campaign for your color. The winning color will be in the upcoming clothing catalog. Heres what the colors look like on a penguin:

I'm voting for maroon. The only reason why is because we dont need another blue. Aqua is out. Lavender lost in the last color vote and lost to lime green (which nobody wears). Lavender is out. Which only leaves maroon. The whole point to the vote is to vote for a new penguin color. That color is maroon.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Color Vote And Penguin Tales Rules

Starting tomarrow, head on down to the Forest and vote on the next penguin color. The color choices are: Maroon, Aqua, & Lavendar. I'm voting for Maroon because thats the only color that looks good on a penguin.

Now here are the rules to this years Penguin Tales:

You can pick one of the 4 topics for your story:

  1. Hiking Vikings
  2. Wacky Wildlife in the Wilderness
  3. My Ultimate Igloo Dance Party
  4. The Day We Turned Blue...& Sunk The Iceburg!


  • 4 Winnig Stories will be added to the book room.

  • Each Winner will recieve 10101 coins and a special postcard

  • Stories can be submitted in English, Portuguese, French, & Spanish.

Remember, Entries must be original and must have something to do with Club Penguin. They'll be judged based on creativity, as well as grammer, puncuation, and spelling. Start writing, the contest ends August 5!

Everything I missed

I'm back from vacation and now here is what I missed:

  • The music jam stage has changed from rock to bubble pop to western.
  • The Penguin Band is not on break and is at the Iceburg.

So in other words not much. I will be posting more stuff very soon once I learn about them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mini Vacation

Hey everyone, I wont be posting or updateing the blog until thursday because my family and I are taking a little mini vacation.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Music Jam Is Here!

Hey everybody music jam is here and I can't post any photos due to my computer beign stupid. So if you would like to see a video of it click here. The all access pass and the same shirts from last year are at the snow forts and you can meet the Penguin Band backstage when they are on break like they are now. You can also meet Cadence anytime during the party on the Nightclubs roof. The free items are on the Nightclubs roof and at the cove and their should be more to come.

New Furniture Catalog

Here is the new furniture catalog cheats. If you want ot see the video of the cheats click here. Sorry that their are no pictures because my computer is being stupid so I will just describe. Anyway here they are:

To find the Wall Speaker click on the DJ Table.
To find the Band Stage click on the Gramophone.
To find the Guitar Stand click on the Stone Column Ruins.
To find the LCD TV click on the flame of the Bamboo Post.
To find the Penguin Knight Sculpture click on the Medival Banner.
To find the Picket Fence click on the right Corn Stalk.
To find the Wheelbarrow click the the bottom of the Poodle Plant.

Again If you want to watch the video which I recommend click here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Music Jam & New Penguin Color

So from all this stuff going on in Club Penguin, the end of July is getting pretty crazy. So lets start off with Music Jam. Members can see everything by going to the Snow Forts and getting an all access pass and heading to the backstage where they can meet the Penguin Band (when on break) and Cadence and buy more instruments.

It also sounds like their will be a special catalog in the gift shop that has instruments. Here are some of the awesome things going on during Music Jam:
  • Lighthouse will have the Bubble Pop Stage
  • Dock will have the main stage which changes everyday
  • The Iceburg will have the Penguin Band preforming
  • Ski Village will have the Orca-Straw
  • The Cove will have some Easy Island Music

So thats just some of the stuff going on. Now on to something thats pretty cool. From July 24-29, you can go to the Gift Shop and vote for the next penguin color. The colors you can vote from are: Maroon, Aqua, & Lavender. Yeah, I know they arent the best colors but at least they are new.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mean Club Penguin Post Cards

OMG! There are some really inapropreate postcards going around from Gklasp354. I got a video of one of his many rude postcards. Click here to see it.

Music Jam & Penguin Tales Contest

Hey everybody, here is a sneak peek of what Music Jam 09 will be like. Remember that starts this friday and lasts for 10 days!
In Other News: Some of you might remember the Penguin Tales writing contest from last year. Starting July 23 - August 5 we're going to be looking for new submissions! This year is exciting because it's the first time that French, Spanish, Portuguese and English can all submit in their own languages. Everybody can start sharpening their pencils and thinking about some of the activities and adventures you've been having during the 101 Days of Fun... I'll have more details soon.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Music Jam 09 Updates

Here are some of the construction photos for Music Jam 09! For a complete list of the rooms, check out the bottom of the post. Here is the complete list of rooms that are being updated for music jam: Forest, Cove, Dock, Beach, Iceburg, Lighthouse, Snow Forts, Ski Village, Soccer Pitch, and Coffee Shop.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ruby & The Ruby

Here is how you can get the ruby pin hidden in Ruby & The Ruby. First, go to the stage. Next click the following things in order: File Cabnit, Trash Can, Book, Vase, Painting. Then click the safe behind the paniting and click on the ruby.
Now to find the hidden background. Go to the very back of the catalog and move the words down to find the Noir Background.

And finally to find the only clothing cheat click on the doorknob behind the guy with all the blue on to find the dark detective coat.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You Decide: T-Shirt!

Hello Penguins!
The last few times there have been "You Decide" blogs, we've had awesome responses from so many of you. Those blogs got so busy that a lot of you had to wait a long time while you were trying to leave comments! The team is working on a solution to squash some bugs in the system so you won't have to wait so long.
#1 The Moondrop

#2 The Splatter
#3 Tux-T
Since we still really wanted you to help us decide on a shirt for August's Penguin Style catalog, just for today the comments will be turned off and we've put in a poll. Currently The Splatter is winning with a huge margrin. Second is the one I voted for...Tux-T. And in last is The Moondrop. If you want to vote click here.

New Series 3 Plush Puffles

Here are the new Series 3 Plush Puffles. You can find them in Disney Stores in North America and at any Toys R Us in the U.S. & Canada. Each Puffle has their own look. They still don't have a white puffle but it should be coming soon. Here is what they look like: If you ask me the Yellow, Purple, and Blue Puffles look high or drunk!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chrisdog93's Party

Today is Chrisdog93's Party! Check the side bar for further information.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Lot Of Stuff

Since there is a lot of stuff going on today and since I already made a video on all the cheats today so I will give you the link and you can watch the video. If you want to see what the Sebsei Background looks like go to the post after this. Here is the link to the video:

Sensei Background

Hey Everybody I met Sensei today on Mittens and here is what his background looks like:
Also, if anybody is kind enough to give me a membership that would be awesome and I would do anything for them.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Little Bit About Sensei

Hey Ninjas/Ninja trainees
Sensei is going to show up in the Ninja Hideout, and it got me thinking that there are many of you who may not know how Sensei made his first appearance on Club Penguin. It was just after Halloween 2008, and storm clouds had darkened the island. The storm was fiercest on the mountaintops, and the snow-covered Dojo was struck by lightning!
Lots of you worked with hardhats and jackhammers to repair the hole and shovel off the mounds of snow. Some of you noticed a strange figure clothed in a brown, ragged cloak who helped to clear the snow away. A couple of weeks later Sensei revealed his identity; He had been living on Club Penguin, and had finally chosen to make himself known!
In Other News: Check out the fireworks today. Lots of you are celebrating different things this time of year so enjoy!

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