Monday, June 21, 2010

Rockhopper Is Here!

Rockhopper has arrived and is now waddling around the island! Just like everytime Rockhopper comes to Club Penguin he brings some of his rare items! These are the items Rockhopper brought this time: If you can't see the picture above, here is the item list.

~ The Squid Lid: Free Item; New Item
~ Pirate Arm Bands: 150 coins; Members Only; New Item
~ Pirate Lass: 425 coins; Members Only; New Item
~ Jolly Roger Flag (furniture item): 200 coins; Members Only; Old Item
~ Striped Pirate Bandanna: 375 coins; Members Only; New Item

For those of you who have not found Rockhopper yet...Happy Hunting!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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