Wednesday, June 23, 2010

EPF Field Op Mission 2

Club Penguin has now released the second Field Op mission for EPF agents. To begin this weeks Field Op, open up you Spy Phone and travel to the HQ. When you arrive to the HQ, click on the screen that says Field Ops.

Once you have done that, A message will pop up from Gary. This is what the message will look like:To start this weeks Field Op, click on the map and go to the Mountain. Once you're at the Mountain and walk past the pole on top. Just keep walking "into" it.

After you have done this, Your Spy Phone will ring. Answer your Spy Phone. You are going to have to Power Up the Chipset! Make sure not to get shocked!Once you have successfully done this, you have complete your second Field Op and will receive a Medal. You can save it for some gear in the future or use it to get EPF Earpiece.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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