Friday, June 11, 2010

Club Penguin Game Day! Sneak Peek

I have found some exclusives of the new Club Penguin wii game, Club Penguin Game Day! Here are some in game screenshots for the new Wii game:

This looks like a picture of some penguins competing in the new Java Sack game! This is a never before seen mini game!
This screenshot is of many penguins at the ski village. You will be able to play many multi-player activities!This is a screenshot of the new Sled & Slide game. It looks like all your friends can participate in this bobsled-like game!Here is a screenshot of penguins playing a snowball fight! This game has also never been seen!Here is a picture of penguins at the iceberg. This is probably the new game Sumo Smash!Here is a picture of a catalog in the game. You will be able to customize your penguin!Wow! This will be a great wii game, it is great that Club Penguin is expanding to the Wii!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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