Monday, April 26, 2010

New Mission 11 Sneak Peek

April is coming to a close, and a new month with new events and surprises is coming up. One of the biggest upcoming events is the long-awaited release of the new mission!

There are a lot of Secret Agents who have been patiently waiting to hear what Herbert's been up to. Club Penguin can't give too much away (since it's classified info), but I can confirm that Herbert's been plotting something BIG...
The new mission launches at the end of May. Probably around the same time Herbert's Revenge is released. The Club Penguin team recommends that agents go through past missions to prepare their skills.

They also suggest that anyone who isn't an agent to consider joining the PSA. You won't want to miss this.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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