Saturday, April 24, 2010

Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge Game Trailer

I've got another sneak peek of "Herbert's Revenge" for you. Many of you have been doing an awesome job figuring out what the pictures I've been posting show.

This week I want to show you something that Club Penguin has finished - the "Herbert's Revenge" game trailer. Check it out:

(Credit to for uploading the video onto Youtube.) As you can see, the entire Elite Penguin Force is back, and they'll be taking on Herbert P. Bear himself.

I'm also happy to announce that the game will be launching in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil on May 25th! It will then follow shortly after in the UK and Australia on June 17th. Club Penguin is still figuring out the details for other countries, but I'll let you know as soon as Club Penguin knows.

The countdown has begun! Check back next week for more Herbert's Revenge sneak peeks!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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