Saturday, April 10, 2010

Club Penguin Mission 11 Sneak Peek

As some of you may know, Billybob has sent different parts to a sneak peek of mission 11 to some top Club Penguin bloggers. Chrisdog93, Mimo777, Saraapril, Jmann93 and Cena 12121 got their pictures together to make one big sneak peek. Well here is what it came out to look like: (Click to enlarge)
Looks like Herbert is planning to do something with all those plants. This explains the seeds G found at the end of mission 10. Do you think Herbert took the plants from the Box Demension.

If you read my last post, Billybob said their is some exciting news for secret agents coming up which mean the mission may come as soon as next week! More when we find out...
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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