Sunday, January 17, 2010

No Brown Puffle!

Yes, I know their will be no brown puffle. How do I know this? Well yesterday I sent Club Penguin an email saying how people are saying Toys R Us was selling brown puffles on their site. This is Club Penguin's response:

“Apparently Toys “R” Us thought the Black Puffle looked Brown and therefore added a Brown Puffle to their website while the Black Puffle was still on it. Club Penguin called Toys “R” Us and had them remove it because THERE IS NO BROWN PUFFLE! There may be in the future, but not anytime in the coming months!”

This information is 100% factual form Club Penguin itself. As for the orange puffle, no one really knows what is going on with that yet. If any news is spread about the puffle, I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

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