Friday, January 22, 2010

The Great Cave Expedition Is Here!

The rockslide has finally been cleared out at the Mine, and there are many caves that you can explore! Here is a full guide on how to get every free & purchasable item for the Cave Expedition in just 6 easy steps.

1. Start by going to the Mine and pick up your free Mining Helmet.
2. Go through the cave tunnel and enter the first hidden cave.
3. To get the first item, use your Mining Helmet and do the special dance that goes with it. Start mining/drilling in 4 different places until you get the Amethyst Pin.4. To the right side of the room, you should notice that the boulder disappeared and rolled away. Go through the entrance where the boulder recently was.
5. For you members, click on the “For Sale” sign to buy the new Diving Suit!
6.Go through the next entrance underwater. Click on the free background in the next underwater room.

Here is a video of the expedition. If you want to watch it on a bigger screen, click here or click the button with the 4 arrows on the player.
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