Friday, November 13, 2009

Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed Cheats

The new play, Norman Swarn has been Transformed has finally arrived to Club Penguin! There is a new costume trunk, and a secret room for member’s only! The new stage is decorated like a jungle. There are no hidden item secrets in the Costume Trunk. There are also some pretty cool new effects on the Switchbox3000.

To go underground to the secret room, you have to stand on all of the rocks with X’s on them with at least 4 other penguins. Make sure that one of you are wearing a bug costume when you are doing this. Then when you get downstairs, you have to unlock the treasure chest to get the Magic Phial pin. To do this, get 4 penguins to stand on the X rocks. The treasure chest will open and you can get the magic phial pin!

In Other News: Check Out The New Postcards!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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