Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Billybob E-Mailed Phillie26 About Awesome CP News

Billybob has just sent me this awesome e-mail about 3 new Club Penguin Mascots! Here is what Billybob said:

"Sensei is bringing a new Ninja out of the darkness! His name is Ninja O Dark he will be a mascot of the three elements, this penguin will be the fire element!He will teach everyone how to use the amulets to unlock the special powers coming soon!
Ninja O Dark has been seen on club penguin before many penguins will know him, but now he is known as the Ninja O Darkness or the ninja of fire! Because he will show us all the power of fire to come! Also there will be Ninja O Water and Ninja O Snow that are going to show the way of the other elements the power within!
Well hope that helps and you can post this on your blog if you want!
See Ya!……Waddle On!"

It looks like we’re going to be mastering the element of fire first at the Volcano! Do you think this means there will be 2 more rooms for water & snow???

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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