Monday, November 30, 2009

Coins For Change & Rockhopper News

The 3rd annual Coins For Change program will go from December 11th - 20th and we're gearing up to celebrate how contributing (in big or small ways) can help to change the world!For those of you who don't know what Coins For Change is about, here is a summary. Coins For Change is all about playing games to earn coins... and then donating coins at stations around the island. Every donation of coins in Club Penguin means you'll be helping decide how a 1 million dollar donation will be divided.

This year the categories are: helping kids who are poor, helping kids who are sick, and helping the environment. And this year, there'll be some new ways to donate and celebrate - including a benefit concert at the Lighthouse!!

Keep checking for Rockhopper because his arrival will kick off the celebrations! And he'll bring some rare items that'll make it possible to donate coins right inside your igloo!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Great Snow Maze Part Of New Mission?

As we go along in our journey on Club Penguin, we come to many stops because of Herbert P. Bear. We are going to be having a new mission soon, Mission 11. When you complete the maze in the Great Snow Maze, you will see footsteps on the entrance.Could these be Herbert’s footsteps? Could the Great Snow Maze have to do something with the Mission 11? Or, could I be wrong and it is just the Yeti Monster Costume’s footsteps. Also, when you go inside the Yeti cave, there are footsteps aswell.These are the same footprints you find in mission 5 when you discover Herbert.Do you think those are Herbert’s footsteps?

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You Decide: Mission 11 Prize & A Sneak Peek

Since the new mission is being developed right now, the Club Penguin team were actually hoping that we would be able to help us decide on some stuff that'll go into the Mission!! Club Penguin wants you to decide which glasses we will be able to earn in mission 11! These are the options:To vote for your favorite pair of glasses, Click Here. Also starting in this upcoming mission, there will be a new character helping us with the mission.Is it the Director’s assistance? Hmm, doesn’t it look like Dot, the penguin from Elite Penguin Force? Maybe it G's girlfriend?!

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Friday, November 27, 2009

New Igloo Music

Club Penguin decided to secretly release new igloo music today.The new songs are:
  • Underwater
  • Santa's Mix
  • DJ Christmas
  • Twelfth Fish Theme


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Club Penguin Great Snow Maze!

Club Penguin has released their newest party for members only at the Ski Village! It’s called the Great Snow maze! There’s tons of fun throughout Club Penguin for all players though.
Before you start the Great Snow Maze, go and pick up the free item at the Ski Village.Now you’re ready to start the Great Snow Maze. If you want to cheat, Club Penguin has posted a map for you to use at the Ski Village. To view the map, first click on the Maze Map stand. Then click on the big red button which says, “Show Map” in the bottom right.Finally, a map will appear with the directions to go in the Great Snow Maze.Here are the directions for the Great Snow Maze:
1. left
2. first up
3. straight
4. sraight
5. straight
6. left
7. left
8. right
9. straight
10. right
11. left
12. up
If you want to watch a video of the maze, go to the bottom of the site or click here.
To get started, go to the Ski Village and enter the Great Snow Maze through the gate. You will enter the maze. There are many different directions to go, and there are a few ways to reach the finish point, just remember at the end to cross over into the center path.
Once you make it to the end of the maze, you see Yeti Cave. Inside Yeti Cave, you can pick up a prize for completing the Great Snow Maze. Here’s a picture of the Great Snow Maze prize, the Yeti Costume:

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Club Penguin Snow & Sport Cheats

Here are the new hidden item Club Penguin cheats in the new November 2009 Snow and Sports Shop catalog.
To find the Green Hockey Jersey, click the green penguin.
To find the Green Goalie Gear, click the lime green penguin.
To find the White Pompoms, click the word ICE.
In Other News: The Ice Rink has Returned!

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sled Racing Upgrades!

Club Penguin did it again. They have released the new sleds early. They don't do much but are just plain bulky. Anyway, if you want to buy one they are in pink and green and cost 300 coins.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Upcoming Events On Club Penguin

Here are the upcoming events on Club Penguin:November 27
• New Snow & Sports catalog
• Great Snow Maze arrives
• Ice Rink returns

December 4
• New pin hidden
• New Penguin Style catalog

December 11
• New Penguin Mail postcards
• Coins For Change arrives

For more on Coins for Change, check out the post below.

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Coins For Change To Make A Return!

One of my favorite events are making a return on December 11, 2009. Every year during Coins for Change, you can dontae your coins to important causes to show your support. This will decide how Club Penguin will donate 1 million dollars to three different causes. These causes have not been released.
Celebrate change & make a difference by speading your time by bringing joy to others. Make time for your favorite game and donate what you earn to take a moment to cheer somebody up this holiday season.

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Monday, November 23, 2009


As most of us were at school, Club Penguin has released Card Jitsu Fire early. You members can play it right now in the fire dojo. Now here is how to play:

When you play other penguins, you will get your fire suit. When you beat Sensei, you become a fire ninja.

To earn your fire suit, go talk to Sensei. Once you talk to him he will match you up with as many as 3 other people. In order to beat Sensei, you must have your fire suit (like your black belt in normal card jitsu.)

To play, you choose a stone in the middle and then you get to choose what element you want to play. The game makes it very simple by showing what cards are available. The card with the highest number will win. Color does not matter in this game.

You will start out with 6 energies. If you win a round you will keep your energies. If you lose, you lose energies. If you are lucky enough to pick a stone with two cards, you can take energy away from your opponent.

Here are how many points you get after you win or lose:

1st Place: 8 points
2nd Place: 4 points
3rd Place: 2 points
4th Place or Quitting: 0 points

Here are the awards you can earn in the following order.

The first award you can earn are flame sandels.
The second award you can earn is the flame suit.
The third award you can earn is the fire ninja mask.
The fourth award you can earn is the fire helmet.
Have Fun Members!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Club Penguin Languages Coming Soon!

My buddy Gydu managed to find a list of the new Club Penguin languages which are coming soon! In a short amount of time, Club Penguin will be available in a total of 8 languages.If you can't figure that out, here are the languages that Club Penguin will be available:

1. EN – English
2. PT – Portuguese
3. FR – French
4. ES – Spanish
5. DE – German
6. IT – Italian
7. ZN – Chinese
8. JA – Japanese

The four new languages will be German, Italian, Chinese, & Japanese. I guess the Club Penguin Team are trying to get all the prime languages.

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Upcoming Stuff For Members

Today I was able to find some more Club Penguin events that will be coming soon for members! Check it out.It looks like there will be a free hidden prize for the member penguins who complete the Club Penguin Great Snow Maze! I think the prize might be the snowflake t-shirt but who knows. Which event are you looking forward to the most? The Great Snow Maze or Card-Jitsu Fire?

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Card Jitsu Fire Sneak Peek!

The game officially launches November 24th and the island's heating up!! I wanted to give you guys a sneak peek into what the new ninja fire journey might have in store for you... This is from one of the new power cards:What do you think? Also, You've asked - and along with a lot of ninja toys (including soft Limited Edition Penguins and Mix 'N Match figures), we've got more Card-Jitsu Trading Cards available in stores!Inside the new tins (including the Card-Jitsu Fire Sensei Collector tin) there's a sheet so you can check off the Trading Cards that you've got!! The cards are available now at a lot of places including Target, Walmart, Toys 'R' Us, and Disney Stores. You can also get them online at - and the CP Online Shop starting November 24th.

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Find The Fire Sensei!

Sensei is giving out his background to anyone who finds him now until the release of Card Jitsu Fire. Sensei will be at the Fire Dojo & Ninja Hideout. He will be wearing the new Fire Ninja Outfit and this is what his player card looks like:Now I know I am anti-tracker but this tracker works.

Tracker Powered By

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Friday, November 20, 2009

New Club Penguin Furniture Catalog!

Watch the video below for this month's furniture catalog cheats.


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New Club Penguin Igloos

Club Penguin has released 3 new igloos. One igloo is brand new, and two are making a return. This is what they look like: If you cant read what they say, this is what they say:

* Snowy Backyard Igloo: 3500 coins
* Gingerbread House: 2100 coins
* Snow Globe: 3700 coins
My personal favorite is the snow globe because you can shake it ; p

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New Club Penguin Pin...Hot Coco Pin!

Club Penguin has finally released the new pin....The Hot Coco Pin! Here is how to get it:

1. Click on the map
2. Go to the Town
3. Go to the Coffee Shop
4. Get the Pin!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Club Penguin Series 5 Mix n Match Toys!

Here are the new mix n match toys! You can buy these at your local Toys R Us, Target or Sansbury. If you would like to see the Series 5 Treasure Book, click here.

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More Upcoming Events On Club Penguin

Here is a look on what is coming up in Club Penguin:
Tomorrow their will be a new pin, new furniture catalog, & a new igloo catalog. The catalogs are going to be on the holiday/Christmas side. Check back here for the cheats and video.
On November 24, Card Jitsu Fire will be released. I wonder what that's about : p

On November 27, The Ice Rink will come back, A special maze for members, new Sled Racing Sleds, & A new snow & sports catalog.

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