Monday, April 20, 2009

Penguins getting Paid!

Hey everybody just found out that penguins will start getting paid! for all the details on whats going on for now here is what Billybob wrote in his blog:

Hello Penguins!
Have you ever thought about taking the quizzes to become a tour guide or PSA (Penguin Secret Agent)? If your penguin is old enough, and you're interested in helping out around the island, you might want to consider the challenge... It's going to be announced in the newspaper later this week that starting May 1st, penguins will get paid every month for doing those jobs!

I don't want to give all the details away just yet (Aunt Arctic, the editor of the Club Penguin Times, will have an update soon), but let me say it'll be worth your while. Let us know... What's the first thing you'd do with extra coins every month? Do you like to spend or do you like to save?
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

So what do you think? I just want to know about how much you will get paid. And I also want to know if you will get paid for each job or just one.

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