Thursday, April 2, 2009


Wow Pengspace that I told you about in a privous post is basically screwed by Disney Club Penguin! For all the info on what happened here is what the wrote:

Hello everyone! We have some very bad news that Club Penguin is filing a lawsuit on us for damages to Club Penguin Headquarters located in British Columbia, Canada. Rod Rego and Android were caught planting explosives in certain areas of the headquarters (while they were on their vacation visiting the Club Penguin building). Disney has filed a lawsuit on us for $10,000,000 worth in damages and if we don't have that money we will have no choice but to close down PengSpace for good. If we do not have this money within next month, Rod Rego and Android will have to face a lifetime sentence in prison. That would also mean PengSpace would have to close.We'd love to ask you to help us donate to our cause if you would still like to see PengSpace up in the next few months.

We have added a donate button and have made custom PengSpace t-shirts that we will be selling for $1,000.00. It may seem pricey, but when we're being sued for this much money, we're going to have to ask for that much. Please be generous and help out with our cause, the donation system will be up and working very soon.

DAY 2:

We're very sorry to announce that Disney is making us close down early since at the pace we're going, we will never have enough money to pay them off. Rod Rego and Android will have to serve their time in jail for what they did wrong. There is still a slim possibility we can still pay them off within 24 hours. When buying a t-shirt, you will now have the chance to buy an Android and Rod Rego autographed white PengSpace t-shirt for $25,000. It seems like a lot of money, but we REALLY need this right now and buying it will only help your favorite Club Penguin fansite stay up and keep our two staff members out of jail.

So things arent looking good for these two. Here is a picture of the very pricy shirt:

My question is that where they get the explosives?!

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