Saturday, March 28, 2009

Upcoming Events & Pengspace

Hey people right under all my posts there is a widget that I got from one of the many users of Pengspace and it shows the current pin and the upcoming events in club penguin. This means I will not be posting anything else on pins unless there is a glitch.

Also since I got this widget from Pengspace I want to tell you a bit about it. Its basically a Club Penguin version of Myspace. If you are unsure of making yourself a page -------- DO IT! YOU WILL GET SO MANY MORE FRIENDS AND YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN PAGE ADD MUSIC AND OTHER CRAP! (cough Boberto10215 cough)

Sorry about that I just had to get that out. For a link to Pengspace click below:

Thanks Blaziuwi Interactive for the widget, they never fail.

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