Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Snow Sculpture Update and Spanish Club Penguin

Billybob just posted an update for the Snow Sculpture contest. The picture looks like some penguin wearing a shirt. The picture is in the ski village. For all the info here is what Billybob posted in his blog:

Hello Penguins!
The snow artists have been busy going through your drawings, and on Friday you'll be able to discover the first five that have been made into snow sculptures! Remember, for three weeks, there will be five new ones... They'll be in different places on the island. In other news: Only a couple of days to wait until the Penguin Play Awards begin. Time to start thinking about your favorite Stage performances! Let us know what you think.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Also, Club Penguin is going Espanol! I will show you some pics later for proof.

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