Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Thanks to my Aussie penpal I now know what the free item will be tomarrow because when most of us here in North America were sleeping Club Penguin did a test for the party and my penpal was on when it happened! He couldn't send me a pic of the party because he was playing club penguin in his Wii ( no joke ) But I belive him cause he doesn't lie. He also told me that basically everything is boxes, there is a members only room in the snowforts, and instead of snowballs they are paint balloons. He also told me that again the dojo has not changed.
This must be how Club Penguin shows the sneak peeks before each party.

April Fools Party Update

It's April Fool's Day on Wednesday, and you know what that means... Anything is possible while we celebrate silliness during this wacky party in Club Penguin! We hope to see you being silly and waddling around with your friends in search of special boxes! There are a lot of surprises for everyone, and some special things for members - we can't wait to hear what you think.

In Other News: There's a new Penguin Style catalog out this Friday, so start saving your coins to get this season's designs! If you like gardening gear, you might want to check it out.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Club Penguin better have a new free item this time because they are due for a new free item for all penguins.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Trading Cards & DS Update

Hey people just wanted to let you know that coming in April there will be a new set of puffle trading cards! You can still play at home with your friends and you can then enter them online to get a bigger deck of cards!
In other news: The Club Penguin game for the DS is now available (in english) in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. You can get it in several places like Top Toys and Elgiganten.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Upcoming Events & Pengspace

Hey people right under all my posts there is a widget that I got from one of the many users of Pengspace and it shows the current pin and the upcoming events in club penguin. This means I will not be posting anything else on pins unless there is a glitch.

Also since I got this widget from Pengspace I want to tell you a bit about it. Its basically a Club Penguin version of Myspace. If you are unsure of making yourself a page -------- DO IT! YOU WILL GET SO MANY MORE FRIENDS AND YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN PAGE ADD MUSIC AND OTHER CRAP! (cough Boberto10215 cough)

Sorry about that I just had to get that out. For a link to Pengspace click below:

Thanks Blaziuwi Interactive for the widget, they never fail.

Friday, March 27, 2009

No new cheats for the Martial Artworks Catolog

New Snow & Sports Catolog & new pin!

The new Snow & Sports catolog is out! Sadly though Club Penguin is being lazy again and there is only 2 cheats. For the first cheat go to the first page and click the little penguin with the green baseball uniform on.For the next cheat, go to the page with all the furniture on it on click the pitchers mound.
Also for the pin go to the lodge attic for the top hat pin.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow & Sports Catolog & Martial Artworks Catolog!

Hey people this friday there will be a new Snow and Sports Catolog and a new Martial Artworks Catolog. Here is a sneak peek of the Martial Artworks Catolog.

To me it looks like something a slave would where. Remember to get stuff from the Martial Artworks Catolog you must be a ninja or a hacker.

Member Badge Stuff

G -WIZ! Sorry Im trying to bring that word back. Anyway Club Penguin has made the badges to show how long you have been a member. The more detailed the badge the longer you have been a member. Level one has the normal badge and level five being a really fancy badge. The good news about this is that you can see it right now!

In other news coming this Thursday the font for the chat bubbles will be easier to read.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

April Fools Party Sneak Peek!

Club Penguin has been pretty busy this past week and they are showing no sign of slowing down beacause coming up is CPs silliest parties..... THE APRIL FOOLS DAY PARTY!

In the picture above I think its the lighthouse, but what the heck is in that box.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

I met Aunt Arctic (kinda)

I met Aunt Arctic (kinda). Well I say kinda because when I got home from school I went to check out the Stage on Sleet and I found Aunt Arctic! So I clicked her card and clicked on the little box to get her background. Well when I clicked the little box it said you already have this item. So now I got a bit pissed off because I found Aunt Arctic on my own. Now for some reason I clicked my player card and The Aunt Arctic background was there. So I got kinda confused but then I figured out how I got it. The only person in the whole world (besides me) who knew my password got it for me (who also got me the Cadence background)......Munky101!

So if you are reading this, I am sorry if I am the reason that you are quitting Club Penguin.


?-2009 on Club Penguin

Everything in 1 post

Ok Snow Sculptures are here, Penguin Play Awards are here and get to vote in the Plaza. Go to the Backstage of the stage and you can meet Aunt Arctic, Candence, Penguin Band and others but not Rockhopper. New igloo catolog and you can get the Resturant Igloo for 4800 coins! For the new Furniture catolog heres what you can get.
Click Eletric guitar to get disco ball
Next click puffle for white puffle poster
Click Koi Pond to get ice table
Click Pinata for Aquarium
Click Velvet Rope for Welcome Mat
Click Snow Castle thing for green bird house
Now for the costume catolog cheats.
Click Penguin award for award background
Click green wig thing to get cheap time travel hat
Click VS for the squidzoid costume
Sorry for no pics but Im in a rush :p

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Snow Sculpture Update and Spanish Club Penguin

Billybob just posted an update for the Snow Sculpture contest. The picture looks like some penguin wearing a shirt. The picture is in the ski village. For all the info here is what Billybob posted in his blog:

Hello Penguins!
The snow artists have been busy going through your drawings, and on Friday you'll be able to discover the first five that have been made into snow sculptures! Remember, for three weeks, there will be five new ones... They'll be in different places on the island. In other news: Only a couple of days to wait until the Penguin Play Awards begin. Time to start thinking about your favorite Stage performances! Let us know what you think.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Also, Club Penguin is going Espanol! I will show you some pics later for proof.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Penguin Play Awards Update

Hey this is an update that just got posted on Billybobs blog:

Hello Penguins!
As the St. Patrick's Day Party wraps up, a lot of you are helping with construction around the Stage. This Friday, the first Penguin Play Awards will begin, and you'll be able to dress up, walk the red carpet, and vote for your favorite stage plays in different categories! The team's looked at the website poll results and your comments, and we've got a list of the Club Penguin community's 5 favorite plays. Which plays do you think made the top 5?
Members will have access to the inside of the Stage, where there will be a few extra surprises. The Penguin Play Awards go from March 20 - April 9, and I don't want to give everything away yet, but the team's really excited because this event is mostly about giving you the chance to be creative with all the special things you'll find in and around the Stage.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Awesome Mimo777 Party

Wow that was an amazingly fun party! The only bad thing is I forgot to take pictures. But I did manage to get this picture of EA.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mimo777 Party Clue #4

I am not 100% on this but I am pretty sure that its today


Date: Toady
Time: 1:00
Where: Mine
Server: Snowboard

Mimo777 Party Clue #3

Ok the time for mimos party is 1:00

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

St.Patricks Day Party is Here!

My least favorite party is here again and to find the first free item go to the coffee shop to get the old lepercaun hat! And to get the acordian (don't know how to spell it) go to the lepercahun house. To enlarge either image just click.
I am also going to be adding a pin tracker on the side bar beacuse thats the only tracker that really works.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How Snow Sculptures are made

Just wanted to show you the steps on how Club Penguin makes snow sculptures for the party. Club Penguin says that we do the hardest part....... drawing the picture! Click the picture to enlarge.

Snow Sculpture Contest & Other Fun Stuff

Wow what a month, this friday is the St. Patricks Day Party and looks like there is going to be a member room (underground or forest or both) and Club Penguin is due for a new free item. Up there is a picture of what the Ski Village will look like.
Next week is going to be amazing. First off there is a new furniture catolog, Snow Sculpture Contest, and the Penguin Play Awards!
Club Penguin is still look for pictures made on the computer or you scanned it on the computer for the snow sculpture contest. I guess that means they got alot of really bad drawings (including mine). Well anywho, 15 lucky winners will have their sculpture somewhere around the island and have their penguin name next to it on a little sign that you can click on, well at least that what they did last time.
The Penguin Play Awards will also be on the 20th like the snow thing. The Penguin Play Awards are a members only event thats going on at the stage for 2 or 3 weeks! It also sounds like that there will some special guest at the event so that means more backgrounds! But I do feel bad about the non-members but I guess you still got the Snow Sculpture Contest.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Elite Penguin Force Coming In UK

Elite Penguin Force is coming this friday for U.K.! You can get it at these locations:
Toys "R" Us

And remember every game comes with a special code and get a surprise!

Monday, March 9, 2009

St. Patricks Day Party Update

Hey people there is a new update for the St Patricks Day Party this Friday. For all the info, here is what Billybob wrote in his blog:

Hello Penguins!

Starting Friday, the tradition of the Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Party continues! We hope you'll join in the green celebrations this weekend!!

There will be lots of surprises and things to do all over the island, including the end of rainbow to find. Members will even be able to visit a Leprechaun House to join a big party! How are you and your friends planning to get into the spirit of green for the party?

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

It looks like Club Penguin is a bit money hungry for all this stuff they are doing with members.

Also I know I forgot to put up a post for the new clothing catolog but I won't forget again. So to make up for that, I will post all of Mimo777 party clues.


Friday, March 6, 2009

White Puffle is Here!!!!!

Woo Hoo the newest puffle is here----- THE WHITE PUFFLE! There are many awesome things about this puffle but there is also one un-awesome thing about this puffle. The un-awesome thing is it is for MEMBERS ONLY : ( . Here are all the facts on white puffles:

(Click image to enlarge)
Attitude: gentle, strong

Favorite Toy: skate

Cool Fact: can turn anything into ice in a breath

Dance: goes up and down with a snow cloud

Cookie: slices it in half

Gum: freeze it

Bath: freezes it in a cube, and breaks it to get out

Also members can now get up to 16 puffles insted of 14.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Club Penguin Oscars Coming Soon!

Awesome another member event is coing up and its basicly the Club Penguin Oscars! For all the info for this check out what Billybob wrote in his blog:
Hello Penguins!

The team is really excited to tell you about a huge Member Event that's coming to Club Penguin's Stage. Lots of you have asked for something new and different at the Stage, and we've been working really hard to put together something we hope you'll love.

From March 20 - April 9, the first Penguin Play Awards event is here, and it's going to be a special star-studded show! Everyone will be able to vote for their favorite plays in several categories, and members can walk from the red carpet into the Stage where there will be so many ways to be a part of the show, and a lot of surprises!
We're excited to hear what you think, so let us know what kinds of things you'd like to see.

In Other News: On Friday, along with a new Adopt A Puffle catalog, you'll see a brand new Penguin Style catalog. Check it out for some fancy black-tie outfits that'll help you get ready for the Penguin Play Awards show.
Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Monday, March 2, 2009

White Puffles Coming This Friday!!!!!!!!!

White Puffles are coming to Club Penguin on friday! Here is what Billybob said in his blog:

Hello Penguins!
Many of you have been asking for so long for another kind of puffle to adopt, and I wanted to be the first to confirm that you'll soon be able to make those mysterious white puffles your newest pets. On Friday, you'll be able to visit the Pet Shop and get your very own white puffle from the Adopt A Puffle catalog!All the puffle colors have very different personalities, and from what I've heard, these new white puffles are really unique creatures. I don't want to give everything away, but despite their smaller size, it sounds like they might do some very cool things!
We'd love to hear what you think!
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

So I don't know if non-members can buy them or not. I think they should because non-members have been getting ripped off with not buy clothing and all that stuff. If you ask me I would quit Club Penguin if the CP team doesn't start to do more with non-members.

St. Patricks Day Party!!!!!

The annual Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Party will be March 13 - 17 and the island's going to be buzzing with good green fun! We don't want to give everything away, but with a bit of help I managed to find this image for you.

- The Club Penguin Team

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