Monday, May 17, 2010

Club Penguin On Wii

A new Club Penguin video game is coming out to stores soon! The new game is called Club Penguin Game Day, and will be available for the Nintendo Wii. There is currently no picture of the game yet, but there do have a description of it. Here is a game summary written by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board):

"This is a collection of mini-games in which players compete against teams of penguins in arctic challenges. Players can choose from games such as snowball fights, bobsled racing, and ice hockey. Penguins are sometimes hit with hockey sticks or pelted by snowballs, resulting in “dizzy star” effects and falls to the ground."

Keep checking back on more info on this new game and the new Mission 11 being released sometime today.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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