Thursday, December 10, 2009

Deck The Halls Igloo Contest

Club Penguin is having another igloo contest! Here are the official rules:

1. Give your igloo a holiday theme
2. Look for the special 'Submit Igloo' Button from December 18 - December 20
3. When your igloo is ready click on the submit button.
4. Once you have submitted your igloo, don't change it until the judges have seen it.

20 Grand Prize Winners will receive: 25,000 coins, their igloo shown in the Club Penguin Times, and a special postcard from the judges.

20 Runnerups will receive: 15,000 coins, their names published in the Club Penguin Times, and a special postcard from the judges.

Winners will be announced December 24 & December 30.

Good Luck!

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