Friday, May 22, 2009

Rockhopper is here!

Hey everybody Rockhopper has been due to come to CP and he has finally arrived. This what he has brought this time: Not much but at least they are all new items including the free overgrown ship background thingy. Now since Rockhopper just came I am not positive about this but Bambadee might be with him. This means they might be giving out that exclusive background. Here are my top 5 tips on finding Rockhopper.
1. Don't use trackers, they don't work and they just make a random server full so RH can't get in.

2. Rockhopper usally hangs out on his ship, the dock, pizza pallor, and iceburg

3. Rockhopper is usally hidden from a big crowd of people

4. If you find him click on his playercard and then click the little box where you would add someone as your friend to get a free item (most likely background)

5. Rockhopper goes on popular servers like Wool Socks, Frozen, Mittens, Mammoth, and Parka

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